Alfred Baron (Updated April 2017)
We have mounted DAC on the usual Huber 512.1 Eulerianc cradle.
On top of the phi stage we use a set of 3 stages allowing translation in the three orthogonal directions
to place the sample in the middle of the diffractometer.
z-motion using a Kohzu ZA07A-W2C-1A: +- 2 mm full range
x,y motion using a YA050A-R1: +- 7 mm motion
The stages are mounted on the phi circle and take a nominal height of 80 mm.
The center of the circles is 129 mm above the mounting surface.
The cell holder should place the sample 129-80 = 49 mm above the last stage.
Note, it is a bit easier to align if one can see the gasket from the side.